The History of the Pocket Square

A Stitch in Time: Men's Pocket Squares

When you’re preparing for a major day, you might stop by a Dallas men’s clothing store to grab a pocket square to complete your outfit. While many men own pocket squares, few know the rich history behind this small piece of fabric. Keep reading to learn more about men’s pocket squares and how they became the fashionable statement we know them as today.

What is a Pocket Square?

Before we dive into the history of pocket squares, let’s start with the basics. A pocket square is a square piece of fabric that men put in the breast pocket of their jackets. Typically reserved for special occasions, pocket squares nowadays come in a wide range of colors and patterns. The wearer can also fold the fabric in different ways, adding a unique touch of style to their overall outfit. Although pocket squares are not mandatory for formal wear, they can effortlessly enhance any ensemble and make a man look exceptional.

How Did Pocket Squares Originate?

The exact origins of the pocket square are open to debate, but many believe they began in Ancient Egypt and Greece. These white fabric squares originally served practical purposes, such as maintaining cleanliness or deterring smells. Men would store them out of sight, only pulling them out when needed.

Over time, pocket squares became a fashion statement and status symbol. Wealthy men would purchase brightly colored fabrics, especially in bold red hues, to stand out from the crowd. They also often had infused scents to block unwanted smells. Throughout the 18th century, the popularity of pocket squares spread across Europe, even making their way into royal outfits. Pocket squares remained popular throughout the 18th century, but they truly evolved into the modern accessory we know today in the 19th and 20th centuries.

What is the Modern-Day Purpose of a Pocket Square?

Men still love sporting pocket squares, but their purpose has evolved. They are no longer a second thought or used to maintain cleanliness throughout the day. Instead, they are available in various styles, colors, and fabrics, and men proudly display them when wearing Dallas men’s clothing to formal events.

Nowadays, pocket squares remain in the same place throughout the night and are a visible outfit element. Men can fold the square in creative ways, such as a puff or crown fold, and they can add a touch of contrast to otherwise neutral outfits.

Guidelines for Wearing a Modern-Day Pocket Square

While there are countless ways to style a modern-day pocket square, there are some essential guidelines to consider when pairing one with your Dallas men’s clothing. Let’s explore them.

1 — Practice Neat Folds
Pocket squares can elevate a look, but sloppy folds can tarnish your efforts. Give yourself enough time when getting ready to create sharp folds that will look sleek all night long.

2 — Focus on the Size
Pocket squares come in various sizes, and you will want to double-check that yours is not too big for the suit. Your pocket square should peek out from the top of the pocket without appearing bunched up or overpowering. And if you need a new one to elevate your look, stop by a Men’s clothing store Dallas residents trust, like Culwell & Son, for expert support and a vast selection of options.

3 — Dress for the Occasion
Does the host of your upcoming event want you to stick to particular colors and avoid others? Keep these requests in mind when selecting a pocket square! Wearing the right colors is the best way to respect the host and showcase your attention to detail.

Pocket Squares VS Handkerchiefs

Many mistake handkerchiefs for pocket squares, but they are actually entirely different, particularly in function and placement. Today, pocket squares are a decorative accessory for the breast pocket of a jacket, complementing a tie or accenting a suit. In contrast, a handkerchief is a functional item men keep out of sight. In fact, its design and use are similar to the original fabrics used by men in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Men may discreetly carry a linen or cotton handkerchief in their internal suit pockets or pants.

Handkerchiefs help keep men clean, whether they are wiping away sweat, tears, or dirt. As a result, they are generally larger and are made from cotton or linen for enhanced absorption and easy washing. Pocket squares, however, are not washed as frequently and are therefore made from finer materials, such as silk and satin. Culwell & Son, the men’s clothing store Dallas residents love, carries pocket squares in countless fabrics so you can have a unique style for each occasion.

Culwell & Son: Men’s Clothing Store, In Dallas, Texas

Are you ready to grab a few new stylish pocket squares or useful handkerchiefs? Stop by Culwell & Son in Park Cities to explore our comprehensive collection of Dallas men’s clothing and accessories. Whether you know exactly what you want or need our professional guidance, our stylists are happy to assist you. Click the button below to learn more about our men’s accessories, and visit us in-store to start shopping.